Brigitte Baumann
Born in 1956, Brigitte Baumann traveled the world as a veteran travel writer for magazines such as Abenteuer und Reisen and Freundin. Her adventures and experiences inspired the Munich native not only to write travel documentaries, but also two novels that transports the reader to the most exciting locations on the planet. Ein schöner Mann im Handgepäck (A Beautiful Man in my Carry-on) takes place within the travel journalist space. The heroine of her second novel Piloten und andere schlechte Liebhaber (Pilots and Other Bad Lovers) jets around the world as a flight attendant. A research trip to Alaska had serious consequences for the dye-in-the-wool Munich native. She not only fell in love with the landscape, but a man who designed and now operates a large ski resort and hotel in Alaska. Since that time, she commutes between Munich and her second home by marriage in Alaska. Brigitte Baumann has one daughter, three stepsons and an impressive number of grandkids.