Michael Becker
Prof Michael Becker was born together with his twin brother Christian in Krefeld in 1972, where he spent his childhood and school years with his two brothers. His medical studies at the RWTH Aachen also took him to the Charité in Berlin, the Royal Medical School in London and the Washington School of Medicine in Seattle/USA.
Michael Becker began his time as a junior doctor at Eschweiler Hospital and then moved to the University Hospital of RWTH Aachen in 2004 to work there scientifically and clinically, specialising in cardiology. He became a specialist in cardiology there in 2008 and was awarded the venia legendi for numerous high-ranking published scientific papers in 2009, supported by various scholarships and funding. One year later, Michael Becker was appointed senior physician in the cardiology department and was appointed Professor of Cardiology in 2014.
Professor Becker has been Chief Physician of the Department of Cardiology, Nephrology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine at the Rhein-Maas Klinikum in Würselen since 2018 and founded the first women's heart centre in Germany in the same year. He is particularly interested in female cardiology and aims to improve the still inferior treatment of women through his daily competent and empathetic work in his clinic, through numerous lectures throughout Germany and through his first book Herzenssache. Warum Frauenherzen anders schlagen.