Sebastian Fitzek
Sebastian Fitzek has a background in radio. With a law degree, he got his PhD in copyright law. In 2006 he published his first psychological thriller Die Therapie, which, like his other books, quickly became a bestseller. He has sold over 19 million copies in more than 37 countries. Fitzek has also been published in England and the United States. Many of his titles have been adapted for theatre, among them Der Seelenbrecher, Die Therapie and Passagier 23. Sebastian Fitzek has been nominated twice for the Glausner prize and has earned multiple Golden Lovelybooks reader prizes. He also received a Hörkules and was named winner for the European Prize for Crime Literature in 2016. He is also the ambassador for the German Children’s Fund and the patron for the association „Das frühgeborene Kind e.V“ (the Preemie Association). Fitzek was born in Berlin in 1971. He lives with his family in Berlin.